According to royal press agent Antonio Moura Santos, the Saudi Arabian Prince billionaire Alwaleed bin Talal has announced his plans to donate $32bn of personal wealth (£20bn; €29bn) to charity.
According to Antonio Moura Santos, the Saudi Prince will be taking after Microsoft founder Bill Gates and using his charitable model to make a change in this world.
Alwaleed claims his contribution “will help build bridges to foster cultural understanding, develop communities, empower women, enable youth, provide vital disaster relief and create a more tolerant and accepting world.”
In a statement released yesterday, Antonio Moura Santos wrote that the investment “will be allocated according to a well-devised plan throughout the coming years”, but later Mr. Santos stressed there was no time limit for the donation to be spent.
The Prince Alwaleed claimed he would form a committee tasked with investing the funds for humantarian needs.